When considering buying an airplane for your business, it can be hard to decide on the best private jet. But the purchase of the best private jet you can get can be hugely beneficial for both employee satisfaction and overall productivity. Though the best private jet can seem like a hefty financial investment initially, and private jet flight from New York City to San Francisco can cost over $100,000 on a weekend, it can be well worth the initial expense. After all, more and more people and businesses are choosing to make this investment. In 2011 for example, there were over 11,000 private jets registered in the United States alone (the United States makes up nearly half of the market for private jets and private flights).
The best private jet can be beneficial to a business in a number of different ways. First, they help to reduce travel time, as they can use a network of 5,000 airports. Commercial flights, in comparison, can only use just over 500. They are also typically able to fly higher than the commercial jet (which flies at around 35,000 feet) because of their smaller size, which means that they are able to avoid much of the air traffic that commercial flights must routinely navigate. Surveyed employees who used private jets also noticed an increase in their productivity on a private jet by nearly 20%. On a commercial flight, on the other hand, the average employee noticed that their productivity decreased by around 40%. And the VIP private jet is not just for the higher ups of a company. Though that may be the popular perception, it is, in fact, far from the truth. The reality is that only just over 20% of private jet passengers are considered to be part of upper management. The majority, making up 50%, are managers. The remaining 20 or so percent are sales and other roles in the company.
The business aviation industry is also beneficial to more than just the employees that benefit from flights on the best private jet. No, on the contrary, the business aviation industry helps a considerable number of people outside of the business world in that it employs over one million Americans at any given point in time. These Americans consist of pilots, stewardesses, and more. Ultimately, the business aviation industry generates around $150 billion dollars in economic activity every single year.
Though owning the ultimate private jet, the best private jet, may seem like a costly expense at first, the up front cost is quickly worth it for the increase in productivity that it lends to the employees of any business. Flying on a private jet helps to save time, and the business aviation industry helps to employ a large number of people in the United States alone.