The creativity and ingenuity of some people never ceases to amaze. Some people seem to be able to create art out of practically thin air. One man is known for making beautiful necklaces out of unusual materials. In this video, you will see him make a beautiful angel wings and sword necklace out of a bolt.
It is truly incredible.
The video starts with the man working on the bolt itself. He decides to cut it into third using a saw. This results in a thinner piece of bolt. However, it became all crooked when he ran it through a press. Therefore, he went to his backup plan and melted the bolt down and molded it. From this mold, the man printed out a two-dimensional design of the wings. He then glued this design onto the bolt and used a cutter to cut the details as outlined by the design. As the video progresses, you can see the bolt look more and more like a necklace. He fashions several pieces into wings and a centerpiece made to look like a sword. He takes a small red gem and places it in the center where the wings meet the sword.