Cabin camping and tent camping during family vacations can be a great experience. However, different places have different rules that the campers have to keep to. But, whether you are camping in Canadian campgrounds or American, there are some basic camping etiquette ideas that everyone should follow during family camping trips. Let’s go over a few ways that everyone can enjoy local camping sites and keep them nice.
Pick Up After Yourself
This is the same whether you are in Canadian campgrounds or Cambodian campgrounds. No one likes a camper that doesn’t care about the site. When you leave the campgrounds, the area where you were should look like no one has ever camped there before. Especially if it is a national park or some sort of historical site. It’s just pure decency to make sure you don’t leave any mess behind. If everyone were to leave their mess, eventually the park or wherever the site is located will eventually become reduced to a glorified landfill and no one will be able to stay there anymore. It’s a matter of keeping the place nice as well as protecting the environment and the wildlife. If you leave wrappers and trash laying around, the animals could try to eat it and end up hurting themselves severely.
Keep Your Noise Level Down
There’s nothing wrong with having a good time and laughing loudly and playing a little music from time to time but don’t be obnoxious. Yelling and shouting and blasting terrible music is a bad idea at a campsite. Camping is supposed to be a relaxing type of vacation and it’s hard to relax when the campers near you are operating at volume level 100. Not only this but you will scare away wildlife that some people may be trying to capture on camera. This is especially during early morning and late evening. Those are the times that should be completely silent and spent in wonderment of the beautiful outdoors. Can you imagine, sitting outside your tent, contently sipping your cup of coffee and listening to the sounds of the pretty birds and trickling river as the sun rises, only to have it all rudely interrupted by the sounds of loud and vulgar music emulating from across the site.
Only take the wood you need
One of the best parts of camping is the campfire. Canadian campgrounds and campgrounds in the states alike usually have a lot of wood for the taking but some places are scare. Often times people will arrive late at night after travelling from afar to get to the campsite. The worst thing is to get there late and for there to no wood to be found. This can only be due to some camper, not following the unspoken rules and gathering up all the wood so that they don’t have to go looking for more throughout their trip. It’s only right to only take what you need for that fire so that other campers are able to build fires to. If you need more then go and find more. It’s all part of the experience but don’t take so much so that you leave nothing for anyone else.
It all comes down to consideration and etiquette. You shouldn’t have to beg people to let you relax. If someone is going camping, they should already know the right things to do. If not, then send them this article and inform them. There’s a whole community within the camping industry and if you want to be apart of this community then you should understand the unspoken rules that apply to all campsites from Canadian campgrounds to all around the world. No one likes an inconsiderate person and selfish people particularly are looked down on when it comes to camping. You are all up in each other’s space when you are camping so you might as well make it a little easier on the people around you as they make it easier on you. If you don’t think you can adhere to these rules then maybe you should pick a different kind of vacation or pick a remote area where there won’t be any other campers around you.