If you hope to get your writing up on an existing travel blog site, reach out to the site’s administrator for additional information on how the process works. This of course is if you are unable to find any information on the travel blog site itself. Some travel sites are very good at highlighting the steps anyone needs to take to get their blogs listed and included on the other blogs published, while others choose not to publish this information and instead make writers and travel bloggers come to them. It usually does not affect the quality of these travel blog sites, though it could become a pain for you to keep asking questions if the information is not already there for you to read.
If you wish to start up your own site featuring travel blogs, still use these sites as good reference points. Every travel site is different, but there are some common themes that run throughout the good ones. Take the good from what you learn, throw out the bad and then create for yourself a travel blog site that speaks to your audience.
If your focus and intent is more on reading these blogs, visit a travel blog site or two to uncover whatever information you can on the places of interest you have on your travel potentials list. You may be deciding between two fantastic places to visit and cannot pull the trigger on one or the other because they both sound just too good to pass over. But by visiting a travel blog site and reading what bloggers are writing about these places, you could make your decision an easier one. Wherever you hope to go, the odds are in your favor that someone has already blogged about it.
But when you read the blogs on a travel blog site, be sure you read more than one blog on a particular place. There are always going to be people who are never satisfied with anything, so if you read a decidedly negative review of a place on a travel blog site find a second opinion. That blogger may have just had a singularly bad experience, whereas tons of other bloggers may have more helpful and more positive things to share about these very same places. Expand your search beyond just one travel blog site and instead read everything you can on wherever you wish to travel.