A travel blog site often has tips for travel based on where the traveler and author of that blog has been. Some travel blog sites exist to help you connect with other travelers. Most travel blogs will be free to read. However, there are a few travel sites that charge for subscription. If you want to find the best travel tips, a travel site that requires subscription may be worth the cost. A premium travel blog will have photos of the area that you wish to travel to yourself. You can also find a travel blog dedicated to helping you learn about the customs of a certain part of the world that you have never visited and are interested in seeing for the first time. It is important to know the differences between the culture that you grew up in and spend your days among, and a culture that you are visiting for the first time. Simple gestures that are not threatening in your home nation, such as waving your left hand or yelling out the name of the person that you recognize and public, are considered very offensive in other cultures. You may even violate local laws that are built around cultural standards. It is never comfortable to spend time in a jail cell abroad just because you did not realize that what you were doing is offensive.
Learn more about cultural expectations by reading a travel blog authored by a traveler that has been to the area that interests you the most. If you have been around the world and are still trying to find new places to go, a blog dedicated to travel ideas might be the just the type of resource you can count on to discover new adventures. If you have not been to Antarctica, you might want to find a blog dedicated to traveling to this very rarely visited continent. If you prefer to keep things warm and sunny on your trips, a blog dedicated to traveling to countries along the equatorial line or countries in an area with a lot of sandy beaches might be best for you. Most of these blogs include forums where you can speak with other travelers. Hearing tips from experienced travelers might help you make up your mind about visiting a new part of the world, so check out these blogs and their forums before you plan your next adventure.