Although there are a majority of Americans who never fly anything but commercial flights, there are also several types of private jets that offer a number of services. From company owned private jet charters to high end travel packages to shared private memberships, the private jet industry is a fairly significant part of the aviation economy. For instance, the latest research indicates that there were as many as 11,261 private jets registered in the U.S. in the year 2011. And while some of these types of private jets have a limited audience, more and more businesses are realizing the potential in offering a flight that is more flexible in its schedule and more comfortable in its seating.
Company owned private jets. There are an increasing number of companies of all size that see the advantage of having their own pilot and private aircraft. And while it may initially seem like a very large investment, the fact of the matter is that private jet scheduling often allows business traveler to get to and from a destination in a single day without having to pay for over night hotel stays. When a business meeting requires four or five people from your company to travel to the same location, a private jet flight home as soon as the meeting is over can eliminate the cost of four or five expensive hotel rooms, as well as covering the cost of more meals on the road.
Exclusive travel opportunities. Whether you are traveling in the U.S. or some where else in the world, there are often some places that you would like to see that are not available to larger commercial airlines. For these locations, a private charter company often provides the necessary flights. From access to a remote golf course in the sand hills of Nebraska to a day trip to a private island, smaller private jets are able to get high end travelers where they want to go. In fact, while there are only 550 airports used by commercial airlines, private jets use a network of more than 5,000 airports in the U.S. alone
Shared private memberships. Although not all companies can afford to have their own gets, some pilots offer a shared experience that allows two or three businesses to share the same pilot and plane. Not quite as flexible as having access to your own jet, this shared approach is more affordable and still can offer more flexibility than the one or two times a day flights offered by commercial airlines. Finding the right types of private jets can help business owners and travel companies make the most of the travel experiences that they both need and want to offer.